This year I learned ONE thing

This year I learned ONE thing.

One thing that softens 93% of my rough edges. EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS EARTH... IS JUST A HUMAN BEING WHO WANTS TO BE LOVED.

Let me keep it real with you, when my ex emails me and I’m frustrated and angry, underneath that anger is hurt and under that hurt is just a person who wants to be loved.

We miscommunicate our needs, our desires, our intentions so often, we become infinitely complicated.

I’m Italian, I’m a woman, i’m a Scorpio ( people say that’s a thing) I’m a ENFP, I’m an eneagram 7 and 4... bla, bla, bla bla... bla. That’s information, and i like it, but ultimately I AM AND WILL ALWAYS BE, A HUMAN BEING WHO WANTS TO BE LOVED.

Guess who else just wants to be loved? Your friends, your enemies, your boss, that girl or guy who makes a billion $$, celebrities, your siblings, your ex, your future spouse, your current partner, models, people we judge, the garbage man, your doctor, your favorite got it. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

I’m not necessarily talking about romantic love. But while we are over here in mushy love land. WHAT ARE YOUR LOVE LANGUAGES? HOW DO YOU GIVE AND RECEIVE LOVE?